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Japanese media: China suddenly announced that the lock-up of rare earths
Japanese media: China suddenly announced that the lock-up of rare earths
【author/from】webmanager 【time】2013/5/6 【count】4198

Japanese government hinted that Chinese officials may violate global trade rules, China prohibits the export of minerals of strategic importance to Japan. Japan Economic Times even hinted that China has banned exports of rare earth the miserable order.
Japanese importers have advised the METI (MinistryofEconomy, TradeandIndustry), shipment of rare earth metals has been deliberately buckle ports in China, large Tian Zhang Hong (AkihiroOhata), said that, the Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry. Rare earth metals are essential for many high-tech product manufacturing, many industries involved from the camera to the wind turbine. About 97% of the world's rare earth from China.

"We have learned that the Chinese Ministry of Commerce has issued instructions to suspend exports to Japan of rare earth metals contracts and delivery, the Ministry has not accepted a new application for an export license," large Tian Zhang Hong said. Large Tian Zhang Hong said, adding that if these reports are substantiated, Japan will consider a complaint to the World Trade Organization (WTO). "We will be in accordance with the rules, to take appropriate action," he said. Chinese officials have denied that issued the embargo on goods exported to Japan. However, the Chinese government, the Japanese seizure of a Chinese fishing boat captain - Japanese authorities on Friday has decided to release him - regarding an angry response can not help but believe that China might retaliate by restricting trade.

British "Financial Times" Contact traders said that the Chinese ports still uncertain. Although it seems certain that, in recent days, some of the rare earth metals, there may be other goods export delays, but these delays are related to China's official policy is still not conclusive evidence.

Japan specialized in rare earth metals importers said that a boat should have left the port of Shanghai on Tuesday goods not shipped, but this kind of thing often happens, we do not know that this is due to the instrument, or intentionally delay. "

The Australia Industrial Minerals Co., Ltd. (IndustrialMetalsCompanyofAustralia) Managing Director Dudley of Secretary Snow Division (DudleyKingsnorth,) said that traders were rumors that China has implemented an informal ban. "China has ordered many exporters to suspend exports to Japan of rare earth metals before the end of the month, and then re-evaluate," Kinji Connaught Secretary. A manager of a trading company in Japan, many of China's aviation and seaports shipment of the goods exported to Japan appears to be decelerating. However, she added, their company in China on behalf of local authorities, has not yet received any official notice of any action to be taken, and China in late September and early October, a series of national holidays, also tend to result in freight delays.

In Japan, rare earth metals exports this is a sensitive topic - Japan is the world's largest mineral importing countries. China cut the amount of total exports, and raising the export tax move, the Japanese government and business leaders have expressed concern. Toyota Group (Toyota)'s trade sector Toyota Tsusho Corporation (ToyotaTsusho), is being developed in India and Vietnam untapped rare earth mine, in order to reduce dependence on Chinese supply.

Unexpected: U.S. daily the most insidious way to deal with China Rare Earth

News commented that China's rare earth resources is really a very important, and even the U.S. Aegis warships solenoid and ultimately supporting China's rare earth resources to do. In fact, the rare earth resources is not unique to China, a Chinese rare earth resources account for only 30-40% of the world reserves, in addition to 70% of the distribution of rare earth resources in other countries, To a certain extent, the United States is rich in rare earth resources of the country just explore without mining Bale. Japan may indeed be no such thing, but Japan has long been a rainy day hoarding a lot of cheap Chinese rare earth, and is now embarked on the exploitation of rare earth resources in cooperation with South Asia and Mongolia. Therefore, we should not naive to think that China's rare earth, the world is chaos, not so important, but self-proclaimed.

So why Western countries limit the mining and export of rare earth resources massive criticism and warnings to file a complaint with the WTO restrictions behavior?

The reason is simple, that is, China's cheap rare earth other countries do not have, had the value of gold, but the results to be sold in the international market the price of cabbage, not even as the price of cabbage. As a result, the international market because "disorderly dumping" prices so low rare earth resources in other countries naturally can not compete with China had mine closure, after all, their mining costs may be more than the cost from China to buy high . As a result, other countries would have to do a high budget results because of China's cheap rare earth cut a lot of budget.

But now seems to wake up, hoping to limit production and raise prices, this may annoy those Western countries, to spend several times the price before purchasing Chinese rare earth resources equivalent to complete, and had to re-enact budget, and even to append a lot of budget. Of course this decision led to these Western countries complain about the prices, this is the crux of the problem, and not because of the control of the Western core resource exports, which are two different things. Core resources of China can not control the world, the Western countries will not rely on China's rare earth resources, only one of the so-called value of China's "awakening" complaining about nothing.

Of course, the reason why the Western world in rare earth resources "prick" completely against "arbitrary and typical performance extension and expansion of the content of a" China threat theory ".

The United States can not believe that China "came to an abrupt end" informal embargo of rare earth

Four industry officials said the Chinese government came to an abrupt end today after the United States, Europe and Japan undeclared embargo on the export of rare earth minerals.

Rare earth embargo trade tensions between the end of the embargo and start, neither Beijing's formal recognition, no Chinese port customs officers to give any explanation.

From smart phones to laser-guided bombs, sophisticated electronic equipment, the use of rare earth is very wide, the demand is also growing.

China from mid-September to stop exports to Japan of rare earth materials, rare earth transport to the United States and Europe early last week and then banned. Industry officials said the Chinese customs staff this morning have been allowed to re-shipment of rare earth to Japan, the United States and Europe. Condition of anonymity because of the diplomatic sensitivity of the issue, these officials.

But they said exports to Japan still face additional scrutiny export time there will be some delay.

Even if the container loaded with rare earth again leave China Pier, foreign buyers still face the problem of shortage of supply. China rare earth industry increased demand over the past five years, Beijing has repeatedly reduced the export quota of rare earth. Therefore, even if China is fully rare earth export quota is still far unable to meet the needs of the world.

In addition, strict export quotas led to the world's rare earth prices soared, but remained stable in China.

Two departments of the Chinese General Administration of Customs officials on Thursday night refused to comment on the state of the rare-earth exports. Chinese Ministry of Commerce is responsible for trade policy also had no immediate comment.

While much of the world, including the United States have found rare earth resources, China's rare earth production accounts for about 95% of the global supply. Mainly due to the rare earth mining and processing a very large impact on the environment, will produce toxic or radioactive waste, other countries tend to avoid or abandon the production of rare earth. Until recently, some countries began to compete to develop or expand its mining capacity.

China rare earth exports resumed on Thursday morning a few hours ago, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at a press conference in Honolulu (Honolulu) talked about the embargo, she was still a press conference announced plans 30 day visit to China, with Chinese officials to discuss the issue.

In recent weeks, senior officials of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce insisted that they have not issued instructions to stop shipments. They repeatedly said that the 32 authorized exporters due to the deterioration of Sino-Japanese relations or Customs to step up checks spontaneous and at the same time made the decision to stop exports of rare earths.

According to China's rare earth export quota - 30,300 tons of rare earths available for export in 2010 left thousands of tons.

At the same time, according to industry estimates, in addition to China, the annual demand of the world's rare earth raw materials close to 50,000 tons.

Chinese government quota allocated to the authorized exporters, these exporters sold like commodities trading as quotas. In 2008, the quota itself does not yet have a market value. Recently, however, continue to increase demand for rare earth the remaining quota prices soared, the right to one ton of rare earth exports from China has sold for $ 40,000, including the need to pay export taxes.

Customs policies have limited impact on the United States and Europe, mainly from China to buy finishing off rare earth powder, restrict the export of rare earth materials. In contrast, Japan is the world's largest rare earth importer of raw materials, greater dependence on China's export quota.

Rare earth stocks many Japanese companies have accumulated in the past few years, large-scale collapse of the phenomenon does not appear in the current embargo. However, the rare earth transportation of interference in the industry and the Government of Japan triggered a mood of disappointment and vigilance.

Japan even slapped: China's sale of rare earth flatly refused!

Stockpiled enough decades of cheap rare earth, went so far as to ask the Chinese to continue to exploit

"The Middle East has oil, China has rare earth." This is the word of the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping said in 1992. However, precious rare earth than oil, but failed to China in exchange for considerable wealth. Touches big country, Japan, the United States and other rare earth resources to buy China's cheap rare earth, and establish a "hidden" strategic reserve. It is said that Japan's rare earth deposit at the bottom of the sea available to it at least 20 years. Japan to China to continue the sale of rare earth is rejected, can be described as a setback to the arrogance of the Japanese.

When China began to reflect the disorderly exploitation of rare earth resources in the past, and decided to limit exports of rare earths, Europe and the United States, Japan and other countries did not. In the just-concluded Sino-Japanese economic high-level dialogue, repeatedly asked China to expand exports of rare earth. Illogical requirements to be a clear rebuff.

Japan's high-profile pressure on China

The so-called rare earths, referring to the periodic table of chemical elements lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), neodymium (Nd) and other 17 kinds of rare metal elements. Rare earth can be widely used in hybrid cars, mobile phones, superconductors, and precision-guided weapons and other high-tech fields, and thus has a "21st Century gold" in the world.

Since 2007, China began to mandatory planning for rare earth production, and begin to reduce exports of rare earths. This year, the Ministry of Commerce issued a rare earth export quotas in 2009 plummeted by 40%. It is reported that China's rare earth export quotas next year will continue to shrink. Measures to limit exports of rare earths in China, caused a strong reaction from the United States and Europe and the Western world. Last June, the U.S. and EU restrictions on Chinese rare earth exports of strategic materials to appeal to the WTO. Recently, Japan to put pressure on China to join the ranks of high-profile.

The Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry declared in mid-August, some of the rare earth elements market prices have risen by 20% since China announced in July this year to reduce the export of rare earth. Japanese media also agreed that China's rare earth limit sell orders, and the consequent price increases, many enterprises in Japan "nervous". On high-level economic dialogue held in Beijing last week, Japan is perseverance to the Chinese side on many occasions mentioned the problem of rare earth, China to relax restrictions on exports of rare earths, said the sudden decrease in exports of rare earths are affecting the global production chain. "

Intensive Japanese side put pressure on the Chinese government to be rational and forceful response. Chinese Minister of Commerce Chen Deming during the China-Japan high-level economic dialogue, the media explained that China is not only of rare earth export restrictions, but the entire chain of exploitation, production, trade restrictions, such an approach is in line with WTO rules.

Chen also stressed that restrictions on exports of rare earths for both to promote economic development, but also to protect the environment and national security considerations. He admits, "China knows that such restrictions affect Japanese companies and related industries in China, but they had to do."

"World News" reporter noted that the Chinese government put pressure on the Japanese side on the issue of rare earth response, as well as China's recent implementation of the rare-earth strategy, Internet users in China is almost unanimously applauded. Some netizens message said: "long overdue, and rare earth export restrictions ...... related to the lifeblood of the country!" There are friends, said: "Support to restrict exports, not always what we sell, what is synonymous with bargain!"

Japan reap the Chinese Rare Earth cheap

Analysts believe that Japan, China's rare earth export restrictions so sensitive, in fact, not difficult to understand, because nearly 90% of rare earth imports from China, is a major beneficiary of China's cheap rare earth.

China Rare Earth Insiders pointed out that Japan is now the world's countries, the use of rare earth to achieve the highest value-added for the high-tech fields of rare earth accounted for more than 90% of its total consumption. By low prices of imports from China rare earth materials, and then sell the processed high-tech products, the Japanese can earn huge economic benefits. Because after processed rare earth prices are often comparable to gold and diamonds.

As we all know, China is the richest countries in the world's rare earth resources, reserves of about one-third of the world, but the current production has accounted for 95% of the world. In the 1990s, China began large-scale exploitation of rare earth exports, low mining costs (without considering environmental costs), China's cheap rare earth dominates the world market, most countries stopped mining of rare earth.

The rare metal praseodymium, neodymium, for example, of South China's rare earth production cost of about U.S. $ 30 per kilogram, while the United States had been archived Mans Deng Pasi mine production costs up to $ 40 per kilogram. When product prices remain at 35-40 U.S. dollars per kilogram, the United States is no need their own exploitation of rare earth resources.

Although the Chinese rare earth accounted for about 95% of the world market, but failed to form the scale of China's rare earth enterprises, the lack of a unified regulatory and disorderly competition and smuggling, with the result of Chinese rare earth country "status failed to translate into rare earth pricing. In 1990-2005, China's rare earth exports increased by nearly 10 times the average price has dropped to half of the 1990. No wonder that users generally lamented, "earth" or "cabbage" precious rare earth in China selling price.

China's cheap and does not add to limit the sale of rare earth, Japan and other countries the opportunity to buy and store a large number of rare earth. China's rare earth resources in the province of Inner Mongolia, an industry estimates, Japan's rare earth resources stored even have enough for four or five decades. In this regard, the Chinese media pointed out that 30 years later, the world's largest rare earth origin --- Inner Mongolia Baotou Bayan Obo may be no ore mining; has relied on imports of Chinese rare earth development of the electronics industry in Japan, to Shique sitting adequate rare earth resources. It may take China to more than hundreds of times higher price, imported from abroad rare earth!

Developed countries create the illusion of

U.S., Europe and Japan complaining about China's rare earth export restrictions policy, one reason is that it will make it affected many industries, and threaten its economic and national security. For example, Japan's Mitsui & Co. rare earth sector Sato Yang recently in an interview with the British "Times" interview, said the tightening of Chinese rare earth export Japanese industry is facing an "invisible tsunami.

But in fact, the thesis of the West completely untenable. First, according to the U.S. energy policy analyst Mark Han Fuli report submitted to Congress on July 28 last year, China's rare earth reserves accounted for 36% of world production, compared to 97% of the world; United States, Russia, Australia's rare earth reserves accounted for World 13%, 19% and 3.6%, but its output are zero. It seems that other countries not rare earth resources, but is "frozen".

Second, even if the Chinese rare earth export restrictions in recent years, but the rare earth on the world market is still oversupply. According to the Chinese industry's authoritative report, last year, the world's rare earth production was 129,400 tons, but only about 9 million tons of global consumption of rare earth; 2010 output is expected to more than 130,000 tons, the oversupply situation is still difficult to change. In view of this, China, Japan and other countries to limit exports of rare earths concerns, mainly worried about the future of China to further tighten exports of rare earths, the international market prices of rare earth gone up.

In addition, environmental protection and other grounds to protect their strategic resource, is entirely reasonable. Due to the a crazy mining of rare earth resources in the past 20 years, China has to pay a high environmental cost. A typical example is the Xingning City, Guangdong Province town of Ning Zou Tao village was once a beautiful mountain village, but after years of exploitation of rare earth, rare earth mine a few years ago to gather dust local severe water pollution, farmland is abandoned , the resident population plummeted by 700 people to 100 people.

The development of high-tech is the key

Rare Earth is a non-renewable resource, and relationship to the development of future high-tech and defense technology. In this sense, the rare-earth strategy is related to China's national security. Analysts pointed out that China can play the advantages of rare earth resources, the key is the development of China's high-tech industry. Otherwise, even if China's rare earth resources exports in the country it is difficult to be fully utilized. This is the Chinese Society of Rare Earths Deputy Secretary-General Zhang Anwen said "the development of rare earth Kung Fu in the rare earth" this sentence true meaning.

Japan more than 90% of the rare earth used in high-tech stark contrast, China's rare earth application used in high-tech sectors in the traditional areas, less than 50%; especially in the field of rare earth new materials, almost no independent intellectual property rights.

China's rare earth industry insight also reminded that the only restrictions on the export of rare earth materials, more foreign companies may be to the Chinese mainland to set up factories, simple processing for export of rare earth resources, which is actually disguise China's rare earth export quota is exceeded. Thus, the final loss is still China. Thus, the Chinese want to use and maintain their own valuable resources, the key is to develop state-of-the-art rare earth processing technology.

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