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Issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology "rare earth industry access conditions"
Issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology "rare earth industry access conditions"
【author/from】webmanager 【time】2013/5/6 【count】2813

Notice No. 33 of 2012 issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, announced the "rare earth industry access conditions. Notice that: the effective protection of rare earth resources and the ecological environment, promoting the rare earth industry structure adjustment and upgrading, and regulate the production and operation order, and promote the sustained and healthy development of rare earth industry, according to the requirements of the State Council on the promotion of sustained and healthy development of rare earth industry a number of opinions ", industrial and Information Technology in conjunction with relevant departments to formulate a "rare earth industry access conditions" is to be announced.

Relevant departments and provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in the rare earth construction projects approved by the investment (for the record) management, land resource management, environmental impact assessment, credit facilities, safety supervision work to the access conditions as the basis.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

July 26, 2012

Accessories: rare earth industry access conditions

Effective protection of rare earth resources and the ecological environment, promote the adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure of rare earth, regulate the production and operation order, and promote the sustained and healthy development of rare earth industry, according to the requirements of the State Council on the promotion of sustained and healthy development of rare earth industry a number of opinions ", the enactment of this access condition.

First, the establishment of the project and layout

(A) rare earth mining, smelting and separation, metal smelting projects shall comply with the requirements of the national resources, production safety, environmental protection, energy management and other laws and regulations, in line with national industrial policy and development planning requirements, in line with the cities of the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) construction planning, land use planning, environmental planning, production safety planning requirements.
(B) mining of rare earth mineral resources shall obtain mining licenses and safety production license. Mining enterprises should be strictly in accordance with the approved development and utilization of programs and mining plan mining prohibited without a license, cross-border exploitation and use of environmentally damaging the mining beneficiation process a waste of resources.
(C) national laws, regulations, administrative rules and planning determined or approved by the provincial people's governments above the drinking water source protection areas, nature reserves, scenic spots, ecological function protected areas that need special protection areas shall be built in the rare earth mine development, smelting and separation projects.
(D) of rare earth mining, smelting and separation, metal smelting belonging to national restrictions on investment projects, investment projects approved by the Government in accordance with the decision of the State Council on the reform of the investment system "published directory provides approved before construction of production.

Second, the scale of production, technology and equipment

(A) the scale of production
The production scale of the mixed rare earth mining enterprises should be not less than 20,000 tons / year (oxide, the same below); the mining enterprises Bastnaesite production scale should not be less than 5,000 tons / year; ionic rare earth mine production scale should not be less than 500 tons / year. Prohibit the exploitation of a single living alone quarry.
Independent smelting and separation of mixed rare earth mine production scale should not be less than 8,000 tons / year; production scale of the bastnaesite the independent smelting and separation enterprises should be not less than 5,000 tons / year; independent smelting ionic rare earth mine separation of production scale should not be less than 3,000 tons / year.
The rare earth metal smelting production scale of enterprises should be not less than 2000 tons / year (in real terms).
The above fixed assets investment projects minimum capital ratio shall not be less than 20%.
(B) Process and Equipment
Mixed rare earth mine, development of Bastnaesite should have a comprehensive waste treatment facilities, specialized waste rock dump and tailings.
Ionic rare earth mine development should be adopted situ leaching for resources and environmental protection requirements of the production process, prohibiting the use of heap leaching, the pool dip countries prohibit the use of backward beneficiation process.
Rare earth smelting separation project shall not be used ammonia saponification and other countries prohibit the use of backward production technology.
Rare earth metal smelting project, not wet production of electrolytic fluorination of rare earth production process, rare earth chloride electrolytic metal preparation process. Fluoride molten salt electrolysis system, the synthesis of rare earth fluoride shall be equipped with a complete wastewater containing fluoride, fluorine-containing exhaust gas treatment device, fluorine-containing residue will be dedicated, not with other industrial waste emissions.

Third, the energy consumption

Rare earth smelting and separation, metal smelting projects, the use of advanced technology and equipment, energy-saving measures, energy consumption required to achieve the rare earth smelting energy consumption (XB/T801-93) secondary standard, to be the new "rare earth smelting and processing The enterprise unit product energy consumption per "after the introduction of the new standard.

Fourth, the comprehensive utilization of resources

Mixed rare earth mine, Bastnaesite mining loss and dilution rate shall not exceed 10%, the the general ore beneficiation recovery rate of 72% (including, the same below), low-grade refractory rare earth ore processing recovery rate more than 60%, process water recycling rate reached 85%.
Ionic rare earth mining and dressing recovery rate of more than 75% of the process water recycling rate of over 90%.
Processing the mixed rare earth mine and Bastnaesite smelting separation project, from the rare earth concentrate to the mixed rare earth, rare earth more than 90% of the total yield from the mixed rare to single or enrichment of rare-earth compounds, rare earth total yield of more than 95%; ionic rare earth ore smelting and separation projects from mixed rare to single or enrichment of rare-earth compounds, rare earth total yield of more than 92%.
The rare earth metal smelting straight yield of more than 92%.

V. Environmental Protection

Rare earth mining, smelting and separation, metal smelting enterprises should verification of rare earth enterprises by the Ministry of Environmental Protection Environmental Protection, to comply with environmental requirements included in the Ministry of Environmental Protection released a list of rare earth enterprises announcement. Should meet the following basic requirements:
(A) strict implementation of environmental protection measures, the new (changed, expanded) construction projects strictly enforce the construction project EIA approval, "three simultaneous" acceptance of the completed environmental protection facilities and acceptance system, production projects without environmental protection department shall not be put into operation.
(B) the discharge of pollutants to meet the quota of total control, to complete the task of reducing emissions of pollutants; strict implementation of the "rare earth industrial pollutant emission standards (GB26451-2011), to install the line emission detection device; according to the requirements of the discharge declaration, permit and other environmental protection procedures, the implementation of cleaner production audits on a regular basis, and through the evaluation and acceptance.
(C) exploitation of rare earth mineral mine ecological recovery and management allowance system should be strictly enforced, according to the Edge mining, while governance "principle, the preparation the mine ecological protection and management of recovery scenarios, and in accordance with the program of mine ecological, geological environmental restoration and mine land reclamation. Containing rare earth mines associated radioactive elements should be taken of radiation protection and radioactive pollution prevention and control measures.
(D) general solid waste treatment and disposal of rare earth enterprises should be consistent with the general industrial solid waste storage and disposal site pollution control standards "(GB18599-2001) requirements, hazardous waste, hazardous waste management regulations should be strictly enforced; containing thorium, uranium radioactive waste in accordance with the "People's Republic of Radioactive Pollution Control Act," radioactive waste management regulations "(GB14500-2002) requirements, strict management.
(E) compliance with national and local laws, regulations and policies; did not occur in the last three years and above major environmental pollution accident or significant ecological damage events; enterprise environment required to develop risk contingency plans and exercises regularly.

6, product quality

Enterprises should strictly implement the national "Product Quality Law", there should be an independent quality inspection agencies, and full-time inspectors, sound quality inspection and management system. Product quality in line with existing national standards and industry standards.

, Production safety, occupational disease prevention, fire and social responsibility

(A) rare earth mining, smelting separation and metal smelting construction projects must meet national safety laws, regulations and departmental rules and standards for safe production conditions, and to establish and improve the responsibility system for production safety; project security facilities with the main project designed, constructed, and put into production and use. Rare earth mine development and construction projects regulations required to obtain a safety production license, shall be put into operation. Improve the safe production organization and management system, employee safety production training and production safety inspection system, strict compliance with the evaluation system for safety assessment and occupational hazards, safety measures and protection against occupational hazards measures acceptance or filing system.
(B) rare earth mining, smelting and separation and metal smelting construction projects must comply with the Occupational Disease Prevention Law ", have the appropriate occupational disease prevention and control conditions. Improve the occupational hazards protection facilities, major hazard detection, assessment, control measures and contingency plans, and are equipped with personal labor protection supplies comply with relevant standards and security of electricity supply, water supply device and the elimination of toxic and hazardous materials facilities. The toxic dust workplaces reached the national occupational health standards.
(C) rare earth mining, smelting separation process involving radioactive contamination, in accordance with the "People's Republic of Radioactive Pollution Prevention Law", "uranium, thorium mining and metallurgy radioactive waste safety management technical requirements (GB14585-93), ionizing radiation protection Safety of Radiation Sources basic standards "(GB18871-2002) and rare earth production sites Radiological protection standards (GBZ139-2002) and other legal and regulatory requirements, supporting the construction of radioactive pollution control facilities.
(D) shall comply with the Fire Control Law of the People's Republic of China, the project design should be based on "architectural design code for fire protection" (GB50011-2006), fire inspection procedures are complete. Production process, strict management to ensure safe production.
(E) enterprises should comply with relevant state laws and regulations in accordance with the law to participate in the pension, unemployment, medical, work injury and other types of insurance, and insurance costs for employees paid in full.

, Supervision and management

(A) New construction, renovation and expansion of rare earth mining, smelting separation and metal smelting projects shall comply with the access conditions. Do not meet the basic requirements of the access conditions, the project examination and approval department shall not be approved, the land and resources management department will not land needed for construction approval procedures, safety supervision departments will not be approved for mine development project safety facilities design, environmental protection department will not approve environmental impact assessment reports, energy-saving examination department is not through energy review, the business sector is not registered, the tax authorities are not registered, financial institutions will not provide loans and other forms of credit support.
(B) does not meet the entry conditions existing rare earth mining, smelting and separation and metal smelting enterprises should be in accordance with the requirements of the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, under the guidance of the national industrial policy, through elimination of outdated, merger and reorganization and technological innovation combined etc., as soon as possible to achieve the requirements of the access conditions. The relevant state otherwise provided shall prevail.
(C) of rare earth mining, smelting separation and metal smelting enterprises must establish production and sales ledger, and consciously accept and actively cooperate with relevant departments of supervision and inspection, and submit a report in accordance with the provisions of relevant departments.
(D) at all levels of the rare earth industry department in conjunction with the relevant departments to supervise and inspect the implementation of the access conditions on the local production of rare earth enterprises. Together with relevant departments, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of rare earth production enterprises to carry out spot checks and inspections. Regularly publish meet the entry conditions of rare earth mining, smelting separation and metal smelting enterprises list.

9, Annex

(A) the access conditions for all rare earth mining, smelting separation and metal smelting enterprises in the territory of the People's Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions).
(B) the access conditions of the relevant standards and industry policies, laws and regulations have been revised, the revised provisions.
(C) The access conditions responsible for the interpretation by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, since July 26, 2012.

Ma'anshan Xinyang Permanent Magnet Co.,Ltd.